Dr. Honeybrew Reviews
If you clicked expecting a flood of reviews for “Dr. Honeybrew’s Turkish Coffee Room” — think again!
Intrigued? I would be too. Especially considering 1,000+ glowing accolades of my Turkish coffee fortune reading ceremony that can be found on Airbnb Experiences, TripAdvisor, and Eatwith.
While I am proud for hosting the best coffee psychic show in New York City, I am hesitant to flaunt my reviews. And believe me, it is not because I am a modest Turk. Anything but! The actual reason is quite personal, for which I will ask a moment of your time to explain…
But first, allow me to point out that this website is the best place to book a Turkish coffee fortune ceremony with me. The cheapest rates can be found right here. Straight out of the horse’s mouth. Yup, I am Dr. Honeybrew. Use the discount code : REVIEWSHMVIEWS for 10% off of your “Turkish Coffee Room” tickets.
Again, you won’t find any reviews — but let me tell you why!
Image Credit: Shamblen Studios
The other day, I stumbled upon a review of my favorite Chinese restaurant in Manhattan. It was disparaged by a reviewer who gave it a single star, despite admitting how amazing the food was (in case you’re wondering, the restaurant is “House Of Joy” in Chinatown).
I was conflicted by this review, for in my opinion, the reviewer’s reservations were of a forgivable nature. The fiasco read as a “misunderstanding” related to a language barrier. Nevertheless, a single star verdict was dished out. And that was it.
So why does this bother me?
Well first, let me just say how much I love people. You allow me to do what I love. Because at the end of the day, I spread the gospel of Turkish coffee fortune reading in Manhattan due to kind people supporting me by attending “Turkish Coffee Room”. Consider this my love letter to you.
But can some people be narrow-minded, unmerciful, or ungrateful? Certainly. And do I at times allow this to cripple my faith in humanity like the reviewer of House of Joy managed to do so? Absolutely. But then again, these are fleeting reactions on my part. Once I complete a coffee fortune reading ceremony, I am back to being Dr. Honeybrew again. Chipper and optimistic. It’s not easy being the best fortune teller in New York City, but someone has to do it. And you help me a lot.
I am here to serve you. No matter how troubled, demented, or kind you may be.
Image Credit: Shamblen Studios
In my definition, being of service is as much a way of life as it is a singular act. It is giving with no expectation. But sure, a monetary exchange is inevitable to operate a successful business. No one is denying that. It’s an interesting conundrum.
But to assume that all business owners work exclusively for the money is incorrect. For many, it is a way of life.
My sense of service and duty to remain a kind human stretches outside of “Turkish Coffee Room”. Therefore, an unfair or disparaging review (even on the page of my favorite restaurant) can cause deep havoc within myself. It hampers my relation with the world at large, impacting my role as a contributing member of society, and how I view the universe as a whole. I am certain many business owners will find relatability in this sentiment.
By leaving a bad review, one does not only jeopardize the livelihood of another, but also, their life philosophy to maintain selflessness in a world that is already at times brutal and menacing. And that my friends, is a dangerous power for anyone to hold over another human. And that is why I hate reviews.
So kindly, refrain from dimming our candle lights Yelpers. Perhaps you need us more than you realize.
And yes, we need you too.
Image Credit: Shamblen Studios
And no, this middle finger is not directed towards you. This is the hand of those who leave 1-star reviews. May God sprinkle them in glitter and mercy. I would never ever flick you off. That would be so rude.
In New York City, acts of kindness can be both a scarcity and of abundance. If you have lost your faith in life, let me rekindle it. Come on over. I look forward to reading your Turkish coffee fortune here in East Village. Don’t read the reviews, just experience it. You may make a booking here.
But kindly — be kind!