Fortune Reading In The USA

America is my favorite brownie — a colorful brick of fudge doused in confetti.

It may not be edible in one sitting, but it sure looks great! I’ll wash it down with some Turkish coffee, and heck, a fortune reading too while I’m at it.

While the idea of eating this colorful treat may disgust you, it is also the reason why I love the United States of America — the only country to welcome eccentric ideas into the public consciousness like complimentary high fives from strangers in Central Park.

Do you want to start a Phish cover band? Sure. Become a reality TV star with nothing to say? No problem! Prepare Turkish coffee and read fortune in your living room? That’s fine too.

What I mean is, in America — sky is the limit.

When I travel abroad, everyone asks me to read their coffee grounds. I love this. But the tone of my fortunes are so much different elsewhere than in America.

Because overseas, there is a pressure to match my words to the prosaic life styles that the locals lead. I have to compress the future into something smaller.

In other words, nobody is going to marry Usher in Cappadocia. At least not in Turkey.

While I believe anything and everything to be possible, this prediction would simply be a hard sell to my fellow Turkish brethren. It’s a cultural difference.

But let me also say something incendiary. In a land bereft of hope where the ceiling for imagination is so low — everything truly does feel impossible.

This is why I love America.

By the way, I love how open-minded we’ve become in America. I say this as an immigrant who moved to Rochester, MN in 1999. To my eyes, we’ve become more accepting of global cuisines, films with subtitles, and intercultural relationships than ever before.

I am Turkish and my girlfriend is American, it’s kind of a miracle.

While this boost in popularity and interest towards other cultures may at times feel contrived to my senses, I am also eternally grateful for it. My skepticism is only for my hope that it isn’t just a trend.

The fact that I can share, monetize, and impact New York City with a piece of my culture and heart is unbelievable to me. I want to continue doing this forever.

I love reading coffee fortune. I really do. I do want to be the “Usher of Psychics”.

Allow me to crank up the burner another notch. After all, my blogs just like my coffee fortune readings, are very hot!

Critics will often bemoan that anything culturally exotic that breaks into the mainstream of America, will have to water itself down in order to appeal for the masses.

This is the reason why authentic Chinese food in Chinatown tastes vastly different than the take-out joints you see all over the Midwest.

While I understand the sentiment, I personally don’t believe this has to be the case.

Because believe it or not, there is a subtle art to mass-commercialization.

To take something so authentic, and transmuting it to “pop” is as miraculous as Jesus turning water into wine. The problem is that many artists and businesses, in their misguided attempt to please everyone, will sacrifice the soul of their content for sheer public traction.

This doesn’t have to be the case with Turkish coffee fortune reading! Not if I am in charge.

And in America, an immigrant business owner has the power to decide where the line is drawn between mass appeal, and authenticity of how their culture is represented.

Like myself!

And yes, my flamboyant style may not appeal to the conservatives of Turkey. But here in United States of America, I have free rein to read fortune as I please.

Whatever you may think of America, its future and fortunes remain limitless in possibility.

It took me a long time to love this country, and I can’t tell you how many nights as a teenager I cried for not being able to speak English properly. I really struggled.

But with my icy tears from Minnesota now swallowed, I am grateful for the hardships endured. Because as a fortune teller, one must experience the true breadth of life’s sufferings and alienation to be able to empathize with all walks of life. Thank you America.

So allow me to now impart my gift of Turkish coffee fortune reading to you my dear customer. Let’s make something good out of these tears.

God bless the USA.

Oh, one last thing. If you want to double your chances to win $100 for “Honey Money Drop” on May 12th 2024, simply add an “American flag emoji” next to your nominees name at 1pm EST. Good luck!


*Honey Money Drop*